I've been trying to find a closed form of $\displaystyle \sum_k{\tan{(k)}}$ that contains only elementary functions, and I think I may be onto something. But rather than reinvent the wheel, I want to ensure that this isn't already known.
So, I am specifically interested in the sum of the tangent. However, if it's not too "overbroad", I'm wondering: Which trigonometric summations are known to have these closed forms of elementary functions?
My broader question is to ask about all basic trig functions: sine, arcsine, hyperbolic sine, and inverse hyperbolic sine and their related counterparts like cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. Which, out of all of these functions, have known elementary closed forms?
If these are known, where I can find references on these sums?
As asked by J.E. Pascoe, I am interested in solutions of
$$\displaystyle \sum_{k=a}^{b}{ \tan{(k)} }$$
where $a$ and $b$ are taken to be naturals. However, if someone can find an answer in some wider domain, this is interesting to me as well.