If $X$ is normal, it is well known that for any open-covering $(U_i)$ of $X$, there exist closed subspaces $F_i$ and $G_i$ and an open subspaces $O_i$ such that $$F_i\subset O_i\subset G_i\subset U_i\text{ with }X=\bigcup F_i \quad (*)$$ Let $d\geq 1$. A covering $(U_i)$ of $X$ is called $d$-covering if any $x\in X$ is contained at least in $d$ sets among $U_i$.
My question is: For any open-covering $(U_i)$, one can find (or build) a $d$-covering $(F_i)$ such that (*) still true?
Thanks for your answers, any comments or/and references are welcome