Assume we have an arbitrary high order polynomial $$f(L)=1-L\theta_1-L^2\theta_2-L^3\theta_3-...-L^N\theta_N$$ and we know all roots of this polynomial site outside the unit circle. It is obvious that the latter condition imposes some restrictions on $\theta_1,\theta_2,\theta_3,...$. Then my question is whether this conditions form a convex set.
For example if polynomial is of the order of 1 then
\begin{align*} & 1-L\theta =0 \\ & \rightarrow L=1/ \theta \\ & \rightarrow |1/ \theta|>1 \\ & \rightarrow |\theta|<1 \end{align*} the last equation forms a convex set. Now is that in general true?