Let $k$ be a field (algebraically closed if you will) and $G$ be a connected reductive group over $k$. I would like to know a purely algebraic computation of the cohomology of $BG$, as the quotient stack $[\mathrm{pt}/G]$. When $k$ is of characteristic $p$, by cohomology, I mean $\ell$-adic cohomology (i.e. with coefficient in $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_\ell$, $\ell \neq p$).
Thank you.
PS. I seem to lack the following ingredient to complete the computation. Namely, I need the map $H^*(BT) \to H^*(G/T)$, induced from the obvious map $G/T \to BT$, to be surjective. This will allow me to deduce that the Leray-Serre spectral sequence for $BT \to BG$ degenerates. Surely this is a known result, but I can't find a proof that can be adapted to the $\ell$-adic setting.