For a given 2-category $C$, does there exist a faithful and locally faithful 2-functor $C \to C^*$, such that the image of every 1-morphism of $C$ has a right adjoint in $C^*$?
Below are some of my thoughts. Although I'll be happy to other ideas too.
There are two ways which I believe give a (not very explicit) construction of a right adjoint adjoining 2-functor. As far as I can see both give the universal such 2-functor, so there should be an isomorphism between them.
1) To construct $C^*$, first take an underlying 2-graph of $C$. Consider it as a 2-computad, and add to it 1-cells which will be the right adjoints, and 2-cells which will be units and counits for the adjunctions. Then take the free 2-category on the resulting 2-computad, and factor it out by an appropriate congruence, which comes from the structure of the original 2-category and the triangle equalities. There is an obvious $C \to C^*$.
2) Let $C_0$ be the underlying 1-category of $C$. Take the universal right adjoint adjoining 2-functor $C_0 \to C'$. The explicit construction of $C'$ is in
R. J. M. Dawson, R. Paré, D. A. Pronk, Adjoining adjoints, Advances inbMathematics 178 (2003), pp. 99-140.
Then let $C^*$ be the pushout of $C \leftarrow C_0 \to C'$ in 2-Cat. We obtain $C \to C^*$.
The question is whether $C \to C^*$ is faithful and locally faithful.
It is shown in the three author paper that $C_0 \to C'$ is faithful and locally faithful. So in (2) we are taking a pushout of faithful and locally faithful 2-functors.
The same question can be considered in which one wants to adjoin adjoints only to a given class of 1-morphisms of $C$.