in the middle of a long proof I encounter the following problem.
Let $E$ be a closed and convex set in $\mathbb R^n$ such that for all $\vec x\in E$ it holds that $\sum_ix_i=1$. (We can understand $E$ as a set of probability functions.)
Let $x^\dagger$ be the probability function in $E$ which has maximum Shannon entropy: i.e. $\{x^\dagger\}=\arg\sup_{\vec x\in E}-\sum_{i=1}^nx_i\cdot \log(x_i)$. This function is well-known to be unique. In the case I am interested in, I can assume that $x^\dagger_i>0$ for all $i$.
For all $k\in\mathbb N$ let $c_k(i)$ be an $n$-tuple of numbers such that for all $1\leq i\leq n$ it holds that $\lim_k c_k(i)=\log(x_i)$.
I need to show the following: there exists a sequence $(q_k)_{k\in\mathbb N}$ with $q_k\in E$ such that
- $q_k \in \arg \sup_{\vec x\in E}-\sum_{i=1}^n x_i c_k(i)$ and
- $\lim_k q_k = x^\dagger$.
The main problem is that $\arg \sup_{\vec x\in E}-\sum_{i=1}^n x_i c_k(i)$ may contain more than one element.
So, if I replace $E$ by a closed, convex set with an open (i.e. non-empty) interior $U_\epsilon(E)\subset\mathbb R^n$ with a boundary which is nowhere piece-wise linear, then $\arg \sup_{\vec x\in U_\epsilon(E)}-\sum_{i=1}^n x_i c_k(i)$ has a unique solution in $U_\epsilon(E)$. (This is a general fact about linear optimisation problems; or so I hope :))
These maxima will then obtain, in general, not for probability functions. But I think I can handle this.
What I need for my proof is the following: Given a fixed closed and convex set $E$ as above I need to construct sets $U_\epsilon(E)$ such that
- $U_\epsilon(E)$ is closed,
- $U_\epsilon(E)$ varies continuously with $\epsilon>0$,
- the interior of $U_\epsilon(E)$ is open for $\epsilon>0$,
- $\{(1+\epsilon) x^\dagger\} = \arg \sup_{\vec x\in U_\epsilon(E)} -\sum_{i=1}^n ,x_i\log(x^\dagger_i)$,
- the boundary of $U_\epsilon(E)$ is nowhere piece-wise linear and
- $\lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}U_\epsilon(E)=E$.
The last limit is taken over all strictly positive $\epsilon$.
@4: It is well-known that $\{ x^\dagger\} = \arg \sup_{\vec x\in E} -\sum_{i=1}^n ,x_i\log(x^\dagger_i)$.
So, I can simply assume that there exists a homotopy which gives me what I need or do I have to/can I prove the existence of such a homotopy.
All help much appreciated.