
A pencil of quadrics in $\mathbb{P}^n$ is a line in $\mathbb{P}^N$, where $N=\frac{n(n+3)}{2}$. So the space of pencil of quadrics is the Grassmannian $Gr(2,N+1)$. The group $SL_{n+1}(\mathbb{C})$ acts on $Gr(2,N+1)$ by $T\circ (a_1A+a_2B)=a_1T^tAT+a_2T^tBT$ for any $T\in SL_{n+1}(\mathbb{C})$ and pencil $a_1A+a_2B$.(Here, $A,B$: symmetric $(n+1)\times (n+1)$ matrices corresponding to quadrics.) Thinking $Gr(2,N+1)$ as embedded into projective space via $Pl\ddot{u}cker$ mapping we have the notion of stability of GIT for pencils of quadrics.

And $D(a_1,a_2):=det(a_1A+a_2B)$ is a polynomial of degree $n+1$ in the two variables. $D(a_1,a_2)$ has roots in $\mathbb{P}^1$. There is natural $SL_{2}(\mathbb{C})$ action.

From this paper, "stability of pencils of quadrics in $\mathbb{P}^n$"="stability of $n+1$ points in $\mathbb{P}^1$."

I want to know I can tell same(or similar) thing about "stability of linear systems(net, web or any linear system) of quadrics". Can You give any results or references?


2 Answers 2


This is a partial answer.

There are many papers on nets of quadrics (see e.g. work of Debarre and Beauville). Here the discriminant locus is a plane curve. If the base-locus of the net is non-singular, then this curve is stable, but need not be non-singular in general (e.g. singular discriminant curves arise from a net generated by sufficiently general diagonal quadrics). I don't know whether the base-locus being stable implies that the discriminant locus is stable, or conversely. People are certainly interested in the case where the base-locus is singular however, again I would recommend the papers by the above authors as a good starting place.

For higher-dimensional linear systems of quadrics, things get increasingly more complicated and much less is known. I would be surprised if the results you wanted were known in such cases. Certainly the case of nets is the best place to look first.


The paper "Stability of genus five canonical curves " by Fedorchuk and Smyth (arXiv:1302.4804) contains a detailed analysis of the (semi-)stability of nets of quadrics in $\mathbb{P}^4$, and completely describes the GIT quotient.

In particular, they show that the (semi-)stability of a net cannot be read off the (semi-)stability of the disriminant locus (see for instance Remark 3.21).

[Fedorchuk and Smyth's motivation is to construct a birational model of $\overline{M}_5$, and to give a modular interpretation of it. This work is part of the general idea to try to run explicitely the MMP for moduli spaces of curves.]


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