Consider the full Solovay model $N=M[G]$ of set theory. Let HOD be the set of hereditarily ordinal definable elements of $M[G]$. It is known that in $N$ every set of reals definable from ordinals and reals is Baire measurable.
My question is:
In HOD, is every set definable from ordinals and reals (in HOD) Baire measurable? (i.e. is the property that a definable set is Baire measurable preserved by passage from $N$ to HOD?). If we consider also HOD(HOD) does the same remain true?
Edit: I rephrase my question to be: is there a model of set theory $M$ such that in HOD$^{M[G]}$ every set of reals definable from ordinals and reals is Baire measurable? Can we find a model of set theory in which HOD, HOD(HOD) etc.. all satisfy the same property above?