Witten already discusses deformations for other complexes including the signature complex in his first paper. He formulated Morse inequalities for the Dolbeault complex on K"ahler manifolds in a follow up which seems to have attracted less traction. Wu and some collaborators worked on these, Mathai-Wu, Wu, Wu-Zhang,Wu showing that a Bialynicki-Birula decomposition of the space is needed in the complex setting. In particular this implies Morse inequalities for spin Dirac, signature, self dual, anti self dual, and other twisted complexes in the complex setting.
The technique of deformation had been used earlier by Atiyah to prove results for certain Z_2 graded complexes, and the references in Zhang's book on the subject covers these.
Demailly's (asymptotic) holomorphic Morse inequalities (quoted in an earlier comment), inspired by Witten's approach, are different from Witten's (equivariant) holomorphic Morse inequalities, and have been a subject of continued study. Hidden in Witten's approach is an idea of rescaling the metrics of (flat) vector bundles using Morse functions, whence the gradient of the Morse function can be thought of as a curvature term (appearing in the Bochner formula which is key to the deformation arguments), whereas Demailly's approach is to take tensor powers of line bundles whence the curvature changes directly. The curvature is what is being deformed.