1) What are the examples of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good reduction and $\mu$-invariant $\geq 2$ at $p = 3$ and how to find them $?$
2) Let $\Lambda = \mathbb{Z}_{p}[[T]] $ and $ K=\mathbb{Q}_{\infty} $ be the cyclotomic $ \mathbb{Z}_{p} $-extension of $ \mathbb{Q} $. Then the Pontrjagin dual $ X_{E}(\mathbb{Q}_{\infty}) $ of $ Sel_{E}(\mathbb{Q}_{\infty})_{p} $ is a finitely generated torsion $ \Lambda $-module and one has a pseudo-isomorphism
$$ X_{E}(\mathbb{Q}_{\infty}) \sim (\bigoplus_{i=1}^{s}\Lambda/(f_{i}(T)^{a_{i}}))\bigoplus(\bigoplus_{j=1}^{t}\Lambda/(p^{\mu_j})) $$
Are there any known methods for computing these decompositions for elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ $?$