I was wondering, what a $N$-dimensional simplicial space $X$ should be. Of course the degeneracy maps force the spaces to be nonempty in high dimensions. Currently I have two different versions and i am wondering whether they are equivalent:
1) There are no nondegenerate simplexes above dimension $N$.
2) Let $\Delta|_N$ be the full subcategory of $\Delta$ consisting of the objects $[0],\ldots ,[N]$. The inclusion induces a restriction functor $R$ from $\Delta-$spaces to $\Delta|_N$-spaces, which has a left adjoint $L$. There is a canonical map $L(R(X))\rightarrow X$. $X$ should be called $N$-dimensional, iff this map is an isomorphism,i.e. a homeomorphism on each object of $\Delta$.
To make the question more precise: $2)\Rightarrow 1)$ can be easily seen, as the map $L(R(X))\rightarrow X$ cannot hit any nondegenerate simplex above dimension $N$ by construction. The other way round: Given $1)$, then all the maps occuring in the natural transformation are surjective and continuous. Injectivity should follow from the relations in $\Delta$. So why is the inverse map of sets continuous?
(In the category of simplicial sets (and not spaces) both notions should be equivalent using the same argumentation.)