Suppose that $F, G: Q\rightarrow R{\rm -Mod}$ be two covariant functors where $Q$ is an abelain category and $R$ is a commuatative ring. Also let $\eta: F\rightarrow G$ be a natural transformation such that $\eta_v: F(v)\rightarrow G(v)$ is a pure monomorphism for every object $v$ of $Q$. Hence $\eta_v^+:G(v)^+\rightarrow F(v)^+$ is an split epimorphism for every object $v$ where by $(-)^+$ we mean ${\rm Hom}(- , \frac{Q}{Z})$.
One can show that $F^+, G^+: Q\rightarrow R{\rm -Mod}$ are both functors.
Question: There is a natural transformation $\eta^+: G^+\rightarrow F^+$ such that for each object $v$ of $Q$ we have a split epimorphism $G^+(v)\rightarrow F^+(v)$ of modules. Can we deduce that $\eta^+$ is split? i.e. Is there any natural transformation $\beta: F^+(v)\rightarrow G^+(v)$ s.t. $\eta^+ \circ \beta = 1_{F^+}$?