Is there some natural notion of a fractional degree of a map? The degree of a map is a generalization of the winding number, and fractional winding numbers appear in the (mathematical physics) literature1,2 (literature that I have not penetrated). I am interesting in capturing some notion of, for example, geometric "engulfing $2\frac{1}{2}$ times." I can concoct an ad hoc definition, but I'd prefer to connect to the literature on the topic. Thanks!
1Rothe, Swieca, "Fractional winding numbers and the $U(1)$ problem", Nuclear Physics B, Volume 168, Issues 3–4, 16–23 June 1980, Pages 454–464. (Journal link)
2"Gauge transformations with fractional winding numbers." Phys. Rev. D, 54, 2889–2898 (1996). (Journal link)