Let $A$ be a separable (non-unital) C*-algebra. Let $\tau: A\to\mathbb{C}$ a tracial state. Consider the strict topology on $A$, i.e. $a_n\to a$ iff $a_nx\to ax$ and $xa_n\to xa$ for all $x\in A$. It is clear that this is the same as the usual norm-topology when $A$ has a unit.
My question is:
When is $\tau$, restricted on the unit ball of $A$, continuous in the strict topology?
In other words: Under what conditions is it true that every norm-bounded sequence $a_n\in A$, with $a_nx~,~ xa_n\to 0$ for all $x\in A$, satisfies $\tau(a_n^*a_n)\to 0$?
Is this always possible? If not, I would be very glad to see a counterexample. If it turns out to be wrong in general, I would also like to know about the case that $A$ has a unique tracial state and is algebraically simple. Looking at that case would be sufficient for my purposes.