Consider an $n \times n \times n \times\dots\times n$ torus board of total size $n^k$ with $n > 4$ either even or odd.
Consider the basic cube of size $1 \times 1 \times \dots \times 1$ at a lattice point on the board and label the vertices from $\Bbb F_2$ with the vertices of the cube taking value $1$ and rest of the board taking value $0$. Translate the cube over each of the lattice points to get $n^k$ distinct $F_2$ configurations of the board. Call the set of configurations as $C$.
One can take $2^{n^k}$ possible $F_2$ linear combinations of the members of $C$ of which many resulting configurations would be the same. Call the new set of configurations $D$.
My question:
Is there a recurrence formula for the number of distinct elements of $D$ in terms of $n$ and $k$? What is $|D|$, the cardinality of $D$?