I have a second order nonlinear ordinary differential equation which I transformed into an integral-differential equation by multiplying the ODE by $y'$ and integrating.
My question is where can I find methods of showing convergence of this nonlinear differntial-integral eqaution?
I mean I got to a nonlinear relation between the function and its derivative, and obviously I can iterate y into the derivative, and then I want to show that this iteration method converges or not, do you have good refernces on this issue?
Thanks in advance, Alan.
OK, you ask me to clarify, then I will.
I am looking at the next ODE:
$$ y'' + (y')^2 + y^3 =0$$
I didn't yet imposed initial conditions.
Now I multiplied this ODE by $y'$ and integrated it to get:
$$1/2 (y')^2 + 1/4 y^4 + \int (y')^3 dx = 0$$
So I get the next equation:
$$ y = (-2(y')^2 -4 \int (y')^3 dx)^{1/4} $$
which I want to see if I can find if the iteration solution can solve this ODE.