Let $X$ be a topological affine space over $\mathbb C$, with no additional assumptions. Let $X^*$ denote its dual space of continuous affine functionals $X \to \mathbb C$, equipped with the weak-$*$ topology.
Let $\mathbb P$ be a finite-variance Radon measure on $X$, meaning that each functional is square-integrable with respect to $\mathbb P$. Where $\mathbb E$ denotes the expectation operator for $\mathbb P$, define the variance by $\operatorname{var}_{\mathbb P}(\psi) := \mathbb E(|\psi|^2) - |\mathbb E(\psi)|^2$. Let $d_{\mathbb P}(\psi, \varphi) := \sqrt{\operatorname{var}_{\mathbb P}(\psi - \varphi)}$ be the induced pseudo-metric on the dual space.
Is the $d_{\mathbb P}$-topology a refinement of the weak-$*$ topology on $X^*$? In particular, is every closed ball (with respect to $d_{\mathbb P}$) a closed set in the weak-$*$ topology?