Let $N$ be a symplectic submanifold of $M$. Symplectic blow up of $M$ along $N$ is an operation replacing a tubular neighborhood of $N$ with the projectivization of that neighborhood. So it decreases the volume. I have a question on the change of symplectic capacities.
A symplectic capacity $c$ is a function from the set of symplectic manifolds to $[0, \infty]$ satisfying
$c(M_1) \leq c(M_2)$ if we can embed $M_1$ into $M_2$ symplectically,
$c(M, k\omega) = |k| c(M, \omega)$ for $k \neq 0$, and
$c(B^{2n}(r)) = c (B^2(r) \times \mathbb{R}^{2n-2}) = \pi r^2$, where $B^{2n}(r)$ is a $2n$-dimensional ball of radius $r$.
Symplectic capacities may not change after symplectic blow ups. But it seems to me that it is impossible that symplectic blow ups increase symplectic capacities. I couldn't prove this. Can symplectic blow up increase symplectic capacities?