Suppose you know the distribution of $(S_1,\ldots,S_{10})$ conditioned on $S_\mathrm{main}$. In the case of continuous distributions, you'll have $f(s_1,\ldots,s_{10}|s_\mathrm{main})$. This tells you how much of the probability is concentrated around $(s_1,\ldots,s_{10})$ when $S_\mathrm{main}=s_\mathrm{main}$. But you want to go the other way around: You want to be able to guess what $s_\mathrm{main}$ is once you know $(s_1,\ldots,s_{10})$. One method of estimation is maximum likelihood. Here, you define likelihood as
Note that if you know the distribution, you get the likelihood function for free. For maximum likelihood estimation, all you have to do is find the $s_\mathrm{max}$ that maximizes $\mathcal{L}(s_\mathrm{max};s_1,\ldots,s_{10})$. For exponential-type distributions, it's often more convenient to take the log (and get a log-likelihood function), and maximizing this is equivalent since log is an increasing function.
If you also know the distribution $g(s_\mathrm{main})$ of $S_\mathrm{main}$, you should use a maximum a posterior probability (MAP) estimate. This method updates the distributional knowledge of $S_\mathrm{main}$ with the observation of $(s_1,\ldots,s_{10})$ according to Bayes' rule. After determining the posterior distribution of $S_\mathrm{main}$, your estimate is the $s_\mathrm{main}$ which maximizes this distribution, similar maximum likelihood estimation. This form of estimation is the bread and butter of Bayesian inference.