I believe that the following questions are very basic, but I don't know how to get a reference.
Consider a curve in the plane $C\in \mathbb C^2$ with a singularity at $0$ and suppose it is unibranch at zero (i.e. analytically irreducible). Then I guess one should be able to define "arithmetic genus defect" of the curve at $0$. Namely if one smooths analytically $C$, its geometric genus will grow by a positive number (in case of the cusp $x^2=y^3$ it will grow by one), and let us call this number the defect.
Question 1. Is this defect well defined (independent of a smoothing)? How is it called and how one should calculate it (say it terms of the local ring of $C$ at $0$)?
Question 2. Suppose we have an explicit local parametrisation of $C$ at $0$, say by two holomorphic functions $f(t), g(t)$ (polynomials if you wish). Is it possible to find this "defect" as a certain invariant of this pair of functions at $t=0$?
Question 1 is settled in the answer of unknown and Question 2 in comments to it by Roy and Vivek