Originally posted on Maths StackExchange, but repositing here because of getting no answer there. Not a research question really - I'm just confused by implications between various ergodic theorems. So I'll happily close the question if deemed inappropriate.
Let $G$ be a group and let $F_i$ be a sequence of finite subsets of $G$. Suppose $G$ acts on a probability measure space $(X,\mu)$ in a measure preserving way, and suppose that this action is ergodic.
Let us say that $F_i$ satisfies pointwise ergodic theorem iff for almost all $x\in X$, and all $f\in L^1(X)$ we have that the limit of $$ \frac{1}{|F_i|} \sum_{g\in F_i} f(g.x) $$ exists and is equal to $\int_X f\, d\mu$.
Let us say that $F_i$ satisfies mean sojourn time theorem iff for every measurable $U\subset X$ and almost every $x\in X$ we have that the limit of $$ \frac{1}{|F_i|} |\lbrace g\in F_i\colon g.x \in U\rbrace | $$ exists and is equal to $\mu(U)$.
Question 1: It is easy to see that if $F_i$ satisfies pointwise ergodic theorem then it also satisfies mean sojourn time theorem. Is it also the other way around?
A reference would be most appreciated (I imagine that the answer in the general case is the same as in the case when $G$ is the infinite cyclic group, so a reference for the latter case would also be fine.)
A related question:
Question 2: Is there a proof of the mean sojourn theorem for say $\mathbb Z$ which doesn't use the pointwise ergodic theorem?