If $X$ is a smooth projective variety over a $p$-adic field $K$, then Faltings' Theorem says that the etale cohomology of $X_{\overline{K}}$ is crystalline.
There have been various steps towards this result. Tate showed that the cohomology of an abelian variety with good reduction is Hodge-Tate. Fontaine gave a somewhat "elementary" proof of this for general abelian varieties, and also showed that the cohomology is not only Hodge-Tate, but crystalline. That implies that it is de Rham, i.e. $B_{dR}$-admissible.
Is there a direct proof in the literature of the this fact ($B_{dR}$-admissibility) for abelian varieties? I would imagine that one should be able to give a simpler argument than what's required to show that it's crystalline.