Let $\phi: \mathbb{P}^1 \longrightarrow \mathbb{P}^9_{(Z_0,Z_1,Z_2,Z_3,Z_4,Z_5,Z_6,Z_7,Z_8,Z_9)}$ defined by $(t,s) \longmapsto (t^{18},t^{16}s,t^{14}s^2,t^{12}s^3, t^{10}s^4, t^8 s^5, t^6 s^6, t^4 s^7, t^2 s^8, s^9)$.
Then $I(X)=<${$Z_{i-1}Z_{i+1}-2Z_{i}$}$_{i=1,\dotso,8}>$ where $X=Im(\phi)$.
I want to know singular point of $X$ if it exists.
So I considered Jacobian and tried to calculate its rank. But it is too complicate to calculate.
Can you give some tips or another useful way?