In a new preprint, we show that the tensor rank of the $n\times n$ determinant is at most the n’th Bell number:
A New Formula for the Determinant and Bounds on Its Tensor and Waring Ranks, Robin Houston, Adam P. Goucher, Nathaniel Johnston
For example, the 4×4 determinant has tensor rank at most 15: if $A$ is a general 4×4 matrix with entries $a_{i,j}$, then
\det(A) & = a_{1,1}a_{2,2}a_{3,3}a_{4,4} \\
& \quad - (a_{1,2}+a_{1,3}+a_{1,4})(a_{2,1}+a_{2,3}+a_{2,4})(a_{3,1}+a_{3,2}+a_{3,4})(a_{4,1}+a_{4,2}+a_{4,3}) \\
& \quad + (a_{1,1}+a_{1,2}+a_{1,3}+a_{1,4})(a_{2,3}+a_{2,4})(a_{3,2}+a_{3,4})(a_{4,2}+a_{4,3}) \\
& \quad + (a_{1,3}+a_{1,4})(a_{2,1}+a_{2,2}+a_{2,3}+a_{2,4})(a_{3,1}+a_{3,4})(a_{4,1}+a_{4,3}) \\
& \quad + (a_{1,2}+a_{1,4})(a_{2,1}+a_{2,4})(a_{3,1}+a_{3,2}+a_{3,3}+a_{3,4})(a_{4,1}+a_{4,2}) \\
& \quad + (a_{1,2}+a_{1,3})(a_{2,1}+a_{2,3})(a_{3,1}+a_{3,2})(a_{4,1}+a_{4,2}+a_{4,3}+a_{4,4}) \\
& \quad - a_{1,2}a_{2,1}(a_{3,1}+a_{3,2}+a_{3,3})(a_{4,1}+a_{4,2}+a_{4,4}) \\
& \quad - a_{1,3}(a_{2,1}+a_{2,2}+a_{2,3})a_{3,1}(a_{4,1}+a_{4,3}+a_{4,4}) \\
& \quad - a_{1,4}(a_{2,1}+a_{2,2}+a_{2,4})(a_{3,1}+a_{3,3}+a_{3,4})a_{4,1} \\
& \quad - (a_{1,1}+a_{1,2}+a_{1,3})a_{2,3}a_{3,2}(a_{4,2}+a_{4,3}+a_{4,4}) \\
& \quad - (a_{1,1}+a_{1,2}+a_{1,4})a_{2,4}(a_{3,2}+a_{3,3}+a_{3,4})a_{4,2} \\
& \quad - (a_{1,1}+a_{1,3}+a_{1,4})(a_{2,2}+a_{2,3}+a_{2,4})a_{3,4}a_{4,3} \\
& \quad + 2a_{1,2}a_{2,1}a_{3,4}a_{4,3} \\
& \quad + 2a_{1,3}a_{2,4}a_{3,1}a_{4,2} \\
& \quad + 2a_{1,4}a_{2,3}a_{3,2}a_{4,1}.
The formula leads to some tighter bounds for fields of non-zero characteristic, especially finite fields. The tightest new result we have is that the tensor rank of the 4×4 determinant over the field with two elements is exactly 12: see Appendix B.