When constructing the jordan normal form of the matrix $A$ one has to construct the jordan blocks corresponding to the eigenvalues $\lambda_i$ of the matrix. If the eigenvalue is simple or semi-simple the block is trivial to construct but in the last case, when $\text{mult}(\lambda_i) \not= \text{kern}(A - \lambda I)$ i feel there is some abiugisity in how the block should be created.
I will use the examlpe on wikipedia to illustrate. In it $\lambda_3 = \lambda_4 = 4$ and we find $x = (1, 0, 0, 0)^T$ and $y = (1, 0, -1, 1)^T$
QUESTION: In which order should $x$ and $y$ appear as column vectors in the matrix $P$ such that $A = PJP^{-1}$ Is there any rule I can apply to determine the order of the vectors?