Let $P\rightarrow M$ be a principal (right) $G$-bundle, where $G$ is a Lie group. Given a finite-dimensional representation of $G$, $V$ say, we can define the associated bundle $P\times_{G}V\rightarrow M$. This is a vector bundle over $M$ defined as the quotient of the (free, right) action of $G$ on $P\times V$ - $(p,v)\cdot g =(p\cdot g, g^{-1}v)$.
Hence, for a given representation $V$ of $G$ we can associate to a principal $G$-bundle $P\rightarrow M$ a vector bundle $P\times_{G} V\rightarrow M$. Moreover, this assignment is functorial and so induces a map from isomorphism classes of principal $G$-bundles to $K_{0}(M)$, the Grothendieck group of vector bundles on $M$. Call this functor (and, by abuse of notation, the map it induces) $\theta_{V}$. Furthermore, it seems (there may be problems here?) that we obtain a functor
$\theta: Rep_{G}\rightarrow Fun(Prin_{G}(M),Vec(M))$
where the left hand side is the category of (finite dimensional) representations of $G$ and the right hand side is the category of functors from $Prin_{G}(M)$ to $Vec(M)$, the categories of principal $G$-bundles on $M$ and vector bundles on $M$ (respectively).
Question 1: Which representations induce the trivial map on iso-classes? For example, the trivial representation $T$ will always give
$\theta_{T}(P\rightarrow M)=M\times T$
since we can choose linearly independent generating sections of $P\times_{G} T$ using triviality of $T$. My question is, are there other representations of $G$ which afford this property?
Question 2: What am I really discussing here? Is there a name for $\theta$? Do these ideas arise in some 'deeper' (or more natural) framework?
Question 3: Is this formulation useful? Are there any interesting results related to this construction?
I have come to these conclusions as a result of thinking about associated bundles based on knowing the basic definition only and any references/comments would be appreciated. My apologies if this is standard material to topologists, or well-known to experts - I am neither.