Let $A \subseteq V(G)$ be a set of vertices in a graph $G$ and let $v \in V(G)$ be some vertex. Define $d_{A}(v)$ as the number of neighbours of $v$ inside $A$.
Now suppose you have a graph whose vertex set is partitioned into $A,B,U$ and define for every vertex $u \in U$ the "AB-degree" of $u$ as $\Delta_{u}=d_{A}(u)-d_{B}(u)$.
My interest is in the special case when each vertex in $A \cup B$ has exactly $d$ neighbours in $U$. Obviously then $\sum_{u \in U}{\Delta_{u}}=d(|A|-|B|)$.
But what about $\sum_{u \in U}{|\Delta_{u}|}$? I want to find a nice upper bound for it in terms of $|A|,|B|$ and $d$ (and perhaps $|U|$, although I don't see how it can help).
I have a kind of hand-waiving argument that says it can't be too big, but I hope that somebody has already treated this kind of problem before in some detail before. Or maybe it's simple and I'm missing something?