I would like to get some references. I hope that somebody helps.
Let $(M,\Pi)$ be a smooth Poisson manifold. Let $\delta:\mathcal{V}^{.}(M)\to \mathcal{V}^{.}(M)$ be a differential operator on the space of multivector fields on $M$, defined by $\delta(A)=[\Pi, A]$. Then we have a differential complex \begin{align*} \cdots \to \mathcal{V}^{p-1}(M)\xrightarrow{\delta} \mathcal{V}^p(M)\xrightarrow{\delta}\mathcal{V}^{p+1}(M)\to \cdots \end{align*}
Then third Poisson cohomology $H_{\Pi}^3(M)$ can be interpreted as an obstruction. Now we assume that $H_{\Pi}^3(M)=0$ and we have a $\Lambda \in \mathcal{V}^2(M)$ such that $[\Pi,\Lambda]=0$. Then we can get a formal family $\Lambda(t)=\Pi+t\Lambda+t^2\Lambda_2+\cdots$ of poisson structures such that $[\Lambda(t),\Lambda(t)]=0$ inductively.
I am interested in convergent issue. Can we get a smooth family for sufficiently small $t$ if we choose carefully $\Lambda_2, \Lambda_3,...$. I hope that someone give me some references on Analysis to deal with this convergent issue if it exists.