It's not completely clear to me what form of answer you would accept. In one sense, the answer is 'the structure on $T^\ast_2M$ is the pseudogroup structure that is induced by prolongation of the pseudogroup $\mathrm{Diff}(M)$, but this kind of tautological answer is not useful.
If you are asking how one would characterize this kind of pseudogroup structure, it is worth going back and thinking about the cotangent bundle $T^\ast M$ for a moment. Yes, there is a $\mathrm{Diff}(M)$-invariant symplectic structure on $T^\ast M$, but that's not the whole structure since, as you have remarked, the Liouville form $\lambda$ is also $\mathrm{Diff}(M)$-invariant and could legitimately be regarded as part of the structure on $T^\ast M$. Note, by the way that the pseudogroup preserving $\lambda$ does not act transitively on $T^\ast M$, as it preserves the zero section (which is where $\lambda$ vanishes), so the 'natural' structure on $T^\ast M$ is not homogeneous. There are various ways that one can 'forget' some of the natural structure and get something homogeneous. One way is to just throw away everything except $\omega = d\lambda$ and consider only the symplectic structure, but you don't have to go that far. For example, you could retain $\omega$ and the Lagrangian foliation whose leaves are the fibers of $T^\ast M\to M$, and this would be a homogeneous structure.
I suspect that you might be interested in something similar for $T^\ast_2M$, that is, you would like to know whether there is some kind of weakening of the natural pseudogroup structure on $T^\ast_2M$ that is homogeneous and more 'familiar' than the full structure (which, by the way, also isn't homogeneous). One way to do this is to recognize that, because there is a canonical submersion $\phi: T^\ast_2 M\to T^\ast M$, one can simply pull back the symplectic form $\omega$ and see that it is well-defined on $T^\ast_2M$. (Of course, it's degenerate there, so it's no longer symplectic.) You can then see that there is a way to interpret an element $e\in T^\ast_2M$ as an $\omega$-Lagrangian plane in the tangent space $T_{\phi(e)}(T^\ast M)$, so you can regard $T^\ast_2 M$ as a certain open subset of the $\omega$-Lagrangian Grassmannian of the symplectic manifold $(T^\ast M,\omega)$, namely the subset that is transverse to the fibers of the map $T^\ast M\to M$. This weaker structure is homogeneous under the pseudogroup of symplectomorphisms and so might be thought of as a natural weakening that is more familiar that the full structure.
This kind of thinking might not be exactly where you want to go, but maybe it will be helpful as you try to think about what sort of weaker structure you really want to understand on $T^\ast_2 M$.