$\newcommand{\lm}{\lambda}$ $\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}$ Let $m$ be an integer $>1$. Define
$$ I_m:\bR^m\to \bR,\;\; I_m(\lm_1,\dotsc, \lm_m)=\int_{S^{m-1}}\exp\Bigl(-\sum_{j=1}^m \lm_j^2x_j^2\;\Bigr)\; |dA(x)|, $$
where $S^{m-1}$ is the unit sphere in $\bR^m$ and $|dA(x)|$ denotes the "area" element on $S^{m-1}$.
The function $I_m$ is real analytic and symmetric in the variables $\lm_1^2,\dotsc, \lm_m^2$ and in fact it has a Taylor expansion
$$I_m (\lm_1,\dotsc, \lm_m)=2\sum_{h=0}^\infty\frac{(-1)^h}{\Gamma(\frac{m}{2}+h)}\sum_{h_1+\cdots+h_m=h}\frac{\Gamma(h_1+\frac{1}{2})\cdots \Gamma(h_m+\frac{1}{2})}{h_1!\cdots h_m!} \lm_1^{2h_1}\cdots \lm_m^{2h_m}. $$
In particular, $I_m$ can be expressed as a function of the symmetric polynomials
$$s_k =\sum_{j=1}^m \lm_j^{2k},\;\; k=1,\dotsc, m. $$
Question 1. Is there a more compact description of $I_m$ of the form
$$I_m(\lm_1,\dotsc, \lm_m)=F_m(s_1,\dotsc, s_m), $$
where $F_m$ is some "classical" function?
Question 2. $\DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{Diag}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{tr}$ Consider the symmetric matrix
$$\Lambda=\diag(\lm_1,\dotsc, \lm_m). $$
Is there some function $V_m:\bR\to \bR$ such that
$$ I_m(\lm_1,\dotsc, \lm_m)=e^{-\tr V_m(\Lambda)} ? $$
Can one describe such a $V_m$ explicitly? I'm vague about the term explicit, but I would be very pleased if $V_m$ were a "special" function.
The second question may suggest the origin of $I_m$. I stumbled onto $I_m$ when I bumped into a certain ensemble of random real, symmetric $m\times m$ matrices. (The story is too bushy to include it here.)