In their recent paper The Quantum State Can Be Interpreted Statistically, Lewis et al. end with a very nice mathematical question, one whose answer (either way) would have interesting implications for the foundations of quantum mechanics. In the hopes of getting some non-quantum math folks interested in their question---and maybe even finding someone to say "the answer is trivial for the following reason..." :-)---I decided to state the question for the MO community, shorn of all the physics and philosophy.
Let Hd be the set of unit vectors in $\mathbb{C}^d$. A ψ-epistemic theory in d dimensions consists of the following:
- A measurable space Λ (called the "space of ontic states").
- A function mapping each unit vector ψ∈Hd to a probability measure Dψ over Λ.
- A function f(λ,M,i)∈[0,1], which takes as input an ontic state λ∈Λ, an ordered orthonormal basis M=(v1,...,vd) for $\mathbb{C}^d$, and an index i∈{1,...,d}.
f must satisfy the following two conditions:
(i) $\sum_{i=1}^{d}f(\lambda,M,i)=1$ for all λ and M. (Intuitively, f must give rise to a probability distribution over the "measurement outcomes" v1,...,vd in M.)
(ii) $\int_{\lambda \sim D_{\psi}} f(\lambda,M,i) d\lambda = |v_{i}^{*}\psi|^{2}$ for all ψ, M, and i. (Intuitively, the probability of the measurement outcome vi, averaged over all λ drawn from Dψ, must equal the squared projection of ψ onto vi.)
Note that we can trivially satisfy conditions (i) and (ii) as follows:
- Λ=Hd
- Dψ assigns probability 1 to λ=ψ, and probability 0 to all other states in Λ
- f(ψ,M,i) = |vi*ψ|2
Thus, let Supp(D)⊆Λ be the support of D, and call a ψ-epistemic theory nontrivial if there exist ψ≠ϕ such that $Supp(D_{\psi})\cap Supp(D_{\phi}) \ne \emptyset$.
Observe that, if ψ and ϕ are orthogonal, then Supp(Dψ) and Supp(Dϕ) must be disjoint. This is because, if we set v1=ψ and v2=ϕ, then $v_{1}^{*}\psi = v_{2}^{*}\phi = 1$ and $v_{1}^{*}\phi = v_{2}^{*}\psi = 0$, which is not possible if Dψ and Dϕ have any nonzero overlap. Motivated by this observation, call a theory maximally nontrivial if $Supp(D_{\psi})\cap Supp(D_{\phi}) \ne \emptyset$ whenever ψ and ϕ are not orthogonal.
I can now state Lewis et al.'s open problem:
Does there exist a maximally-nontrivial ψ-epistemic theory in dimensions d≥3?
Update: See the comments for an extremely nice solution by George Lowther, plus my followup questions.
I know of two results directly relevant to this problem.
First, there exists a maximally-nontrivial theory in dimension d=2, which was found by Kochen and Specker in 1967. See this paper by Rudolph for more details, including why the obvious generalizations to 3 or more dimensions seem to fail. Briefly, the Kochen-Specker theory is defined as follows:
- Λ=H2.
- Dψ assigns probability measure $2 | \psi^{\*} \phi|^{2} - 1$ to ϕ if $| \psi^{\*} \phi|^{2} \geq 1/2$, and probability measure 0 to ϕ otherwise.
- f(ψ,M,i) = 1 if $|v_{i}^{\*} \psi|^{2} \geq 1/2$, and f(ψ,M,i) = 0 otherwise.
(Warning: I converted from a different representation, and can't promise I didn't get a factor of 2 wrong or something like that.)
The second result is that, for all finite d, there exists a nontrivial ψ-epistemic theory (though it's far from being maximally nontrivial). This is the main result of Lewis et al.
My own guess is that maximally-nontrivial theories don't exist for d≥3, but I'd only give it 60% confidence.
To anticipate some questions:
Yes, I'd also be interested in this problem with $\mathbb{R}$ in place of $\mathbb{C}$ (though I suspect the two cases are pretty similar).
Yes, I'd be interested in negative results for restricted classes of theories. Here are a few examples of restrictions one could look at, in various combinations: Λ=Hd, f∈{0,1}, f is continuous, symmetry under unitary transformations, symmetry under relabeling of the vi's.
No, I don't know how to rule out that the answer could depend on the Axiom of Choice or something crazy like that (but I doubt it).
Update (March 20, 2013): Adam Bouland, Lynn Chua, George Lowther, and myself now have a paper on ψ-epistemic theories originating with this MO post. The paper contains the construction below, but also proves impossibility results for ψ-epistemic theories when an additional symmetry condition is imposed.