Consider a model category $\mathcal{C}$ and a sequence of cofibrations $0 \to X_0 \to X_1 \to X_2 \to \dots$ lying in $\mathcal{C}$. Let $X$ be the colimit of this sequence. Suppose furthermore that we have two maps $f,g : X \to Y$, where $Y$ is fibrant, such that the restrictions $f_n : X_n \to Y $ and $g_n : X_n \to Y$ are homotopic for every $n$.
Does it follow that $f$ is homotopic to $g$?
A simpler version: if $h : X \to Y$ is a morphism such that the restrictions $h_n$ are equivalences, then $h$ is an equivalence, since $X$ is the homotopy colimit of the $X_i$.
Context: I saw this result when studying rational homotopy theory, in the context of Sullivan algebras in the category of CDGAs. The result was stated in terms of a filtration of minimal Sullivan algebras, however. Perhaps some additional condition is required above, then.