Let $G$ be the isometry group of a polyhedron (tetrahedron, ..., icosahedron), its order being $2n$. The natural representation of $G$ over the space $H_\ell$ of harmonic polynomials of degree $\ell$ may or may not be irreducible. It is certainly not if $2\ell+1\ge\sqrt{2n}$. Thus let us take
$(n/2)^{1/2}\le l\le n.$
Because the representation is reducible, there exists a strict invariant subpace, thus a non-zero $P\in H_\ell$ such that the set of $P\circ R$ with $R\in G$ does not span $H_\ell$. Because $|G|>2\ell+1$, this is a counter-example.
Update. Suppose that the representation of $G$ over $H_\ell$ admits an irreducible component of multiplicity $\ge2$ (I suspect that there are exemples; does somebody knows one?). Then there does not exist a spherical harmonics $P$ such that the $P\circ R$ span $H_\ell$ when $R$ covers $G$. This is because we may decompose $H_\ell=F\oplus^\bot K$ with $K$ irreducible component and $P\in F$.