In an excerpt of an article by Bernd Sturmfels, I found:
Theorem 5.5. The tropical Grassmannian $G^{′}_{2,n}$ is a simplical complex known as the space of phylogenetic trees.... It is denoted by $T_n$ and is defined as follows. The vertex set consists of all unordered pairs $\left \{ A,B \right \}$ where $A$ and $B$ are disjoint subsets of $\left [ n \right ]:=\left \{ 1,2, ... , n \right \}$ having cardinality at least two, and $A \cup B=\left [ n \right ]$. Such pairs are called splits. The number of splits is $2^{n−1} − n − 1$. Two splits $\left \{ A,B \right \}$ and $\left \{ A^{'},B^{'} \right \}$ are connected by an edge in the simplicial complex $T_n$ if and only if
(5) $A \sqsubseteq {A}'$ or $A \sqsubseteq {B}'$ or $B \sqsubseteq {A}'$ or $B \sqsubseteq {B}'$.
We define $T_n$ as the largest simplicial complex having this edge graph.... In the language of algebraic combinatorics, $T_n$ is the flag complex of the compatibility graph specified by (5) on the set of all $2^{n−1} − n − 1$ splits.
Example 5.6. ($n = 6$) The two-dimensional simplicial complex $T_6$ has $25$ vertices, $105$ edges and $105$ triangles...
Question: Are $56, 490, 1260, 945$ the "face" numbers for $T_7$?