Consider a lattice $L$. Can one classify all functions $f:L\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, that satisfy
$f(a \wedge b)+f(a\vee b) = f(a)+f(b)$.
Some examples are the the set of all finite subsets of a given set $S$. Then every such function is uniquely determined by the element $(f(\{s\}))_{s\in S}\in \prod_S\mathbb{R}$ plus the value on the empty set. Indeed this gives a vector space isomorphism from the set of all such functions to $\mathbb{R}^{|S|+1}$.
For other lattices there are also other additive functions arising naturally. For example if one considers the set of all natural numbers (without $0$) ordered by divisibility and assigns to a natural number (for a fixed prime $p$) the biggest $n$, so that $p^n$ divides this number. The logarithm is another example for such a function.
More generally a ultrafilter on the underlying poset can also be viewed as such a function. So there are a lot of interesting examples. There are even more interesting examples like lattices of measurable sets and their measures, Euler-characteristic of subcomplexes and so on. So my question is: Can one classify the set of all those functions, probably in terms of filters / ultrafilters on the underlying poset?