I have some problems proving that a Differential Matrix Equation has a solution. I apologize if the question is too elementary, but I've found this theorem stated everywhere on the web without any reference or clue about how to prove it.
What I exactly mean with a Differential Matrix Equation is: $X'=AX+B$. Where $A$ is a matrix of size $n\times n$ and $B$ is a column vector. Both $A$ and $B$ have coefficients which are holomorfic functions in a convex open set $\Omega$ and continuous on the closure $\bar\Omega$. We also have an initial condition $X(z_0)=U_0$, where $U_0$ is a column vector of complex coefficients.
So far I know how to prove it when $A$ has constant coefficients. However the proof cannot be applied as it uses the trick of $(e^{Az})'=Ae^{Az}$ to find an explicit solution and in general $(e^A)'\neq Ae^A$ if $A$ is nonconstant.
I've also read about Magnus Series, but I don't fully understand them. Also I'm only interested in the existence, so I'd prefer an easier way to prove that there are solutions.