Assume you have a cosimplicial group $G$, so that for each $n \ge 0$ there is a group $G_n$, and you have the usual cofaces and codegeneracies.
Is there a known way to associate to this a collection of homology/homotopy groups in a sensible way?
"Sensible" means at least that it should provide a generalisation of the following two particular cases:
(1) When each $G_n$ is abelian, one can get a cochain complex (I believe this is called the Dold-Kan construction), and one can consider its cohomology groups.
(2) (I apologize for the vagueness of this one.) In low degrees, one can sometimes use a couple of tricks. I have, for example, come across the following situation: the map $x\mapsto d^0(x) d^2(x)$ was a homomorphism $G_2 \to G_3$, as was the map $x\mapsto d^3(x)d^1(x)$; so I could consider their equalizer. Moreover the map $x\mapsto d^0(x)d^1(x)^{-1}d^2(x)$ was a homomorphism $G_1 \to G_2$, whose image was normal in the preceding equalizer. Taking the quotient gave a generalisation of $H^2$ in this lucky situation. The "general" definition which I'm asking for, should it exist, would hopefully coincide with this equalizer trick whenever it makes sense.
Let me also point out that, in the example above, I had originally started with some bigger cosimplicial group $(\Gamma_n)$ and then decided to restrict to the smaller $(G_n)$ precisely so that I could use this little trick. I do believe that the details of this example are completely irrelevant to the general discussion; I mention it because someone might know how to go from a cosimplicial group to a "nicer" one somehow.
Thank you for reading this.