For whatever reason, I stubbornly decided to use tetrahedral elements and find myself needing to use P3 elements with bubble functions ("P3b3d" in FREEFEM-style denomination).
The 2d case is fairly well documented, see e.g. here, and everyone is using it (P2b and P3b in FREEFEM).
The 3d case is more gnarly. There's a book by Cohen that explains some of the problems, and this paper claims to have some such elements.
A wrinkle in the thing is that the FREEFEM documentation claims that, for the P2b3d space, FREEFEM claims that it uses P2 plus a single bubble function $\lambda_1\lambda_2\lambda_3\lambda_4$, whereas Cohen's book also has "face bubbles". The P3b3d is not in Cohen's book, but it is in the paper I linked above.
Is there a modern book with these tetrahedral finite elements with bubble functions in it? Ideally in some detail? It's also called "lumped mass" or "stabilized". I don't care about the "stabilization" bit, I'm not doing wave equations.
I need these things because I need a lumped mass matrix that is positive definite.