$\require{AMScd}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$In Catégories Tannakiennes by N. Saavedra, chapter I, diagram, he claims (as far as I can tell) that the following diagram commutes: $$\begin{CD} F(X^{\vee} \otimes Y) @>>> F(\underline{\Hom}(X,Y))\\ @AcAA @VF_{X,Y}VV\\ F(X^{\vee}) \otimes F(Y)\\ @VF_{X,\mathbf{1}} \otimes \mathrm{id}VV @VVV\\ F(X)^{\vee} \otimes F(Y) @>>> \underline{\Hom}(FX,FY) \end{CD}$$ Here, we assume that $F$ is a tensor functor between rigid tensor categories, where $F_{X,Y}$ is the induced map coming from $F(\text{ev})$ (suppressing the natural isomorphism $c$ coming from $F$ as a tensor functor) under the natural isomorphism $\Hom(F(\underline{\Hom}(X,Y)) \otimes F(X),F(Y)) \simeq \Hom(F(\underline{\Hom}(X,Y)),\underline{\Hom}(FX,FY))$, and $F_{X,\mathbf{1}}$ has the obvious interpretation from this.
As far as I can see (I don't know much French), N. Saavedra gives no explanation for the commutativity of this diagram. He later (5.2.2, I) shows that $F_{X,\mathbf{1}}$ is an isomorphism, and since all the other maps in the diagram above are isomorphisms, it then easily follows from the commutativity of the above diagram that $F_{X,Y}$ is an isomorphism.
Unless I am mistaken, the horizontal maps are the isomorphisms in $\mathcal{C},\mathcal{C}'$ (source and target of the functor $F$), coming from the isomorphism $X^{\vee} \otimes Y \cong \underline{\Hom}(X,Y)$.
So my question is basically how to see that this diagram commutes (my end goal is really to understand why $F_{X,Y}$ is an isomorphism).
Comment: note that in the above diagram, there is only one arrow $F_{X,Y}$ on the right, I just don't know how to write it as one arrow in AMScd.
I asked a similar question (not precisely the same) at MSE a while ago (Tensor functors on rigid categories.), but I had some trouble understanding the explanation given there (for example, I don't really know what an adjunction-diagram is).
Any clarification would be most helpful.
Edit: As per D. Rydhs comment, the horizontal maps are not neccessarily isomorphisms, since we are not assuming that we are in a rigid category. Furthermore, as D. Rydh points out, S. Rivano claims this follows as a special case of diagram in S. Rivano (take $(X_1,Y_1) = (X,\mathbf{1})$ and $(X_2,Y_2) = (\mathbf{1},Y)$).
of a "preamble" command like$\require{AMScd}$
must appear immediately adjacent to the first character of the post, or the post will start with spurious white space (in your case, blank lines). I edited accordingly. (By the way, the reason that you don't know how to make one long arrow with AMScd is because it's one of the many things that AMScd can't do.) $\endgroup$