Let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve over number field $K$. Let $M_K$ be a set of all places of $K$.
My question is, Does there exist a finite set $S\subset M_K$ such that $\forall C$: $E/K$-torsor, $\forall v\in M_K\setminus S$, $C(K_v)\neq \emptyset$ ?
I had always thought it was true when $S=\{\text{Bad primes of }E/K, \text{ infinite places of }K\}$ until now because rational points on reduction mod $v$ lifts to rational points on $K_v$ thanks to Hensel lemma. But a good prime $v$ of $E/K$ is not always a good prime of its torsor $C/K$, so this argument does not work. Indeed, for positive integer $n$, $H^1(G_{K_v},E)[n]$ is not always $0$ since it is dual of $E(K_v)/nE(K_v)$ by Tate-duality.
Background :
I want to check whether we can characterize Tate–Shafarevich group $Ш(E/K) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \ker \left\{H^1(G_K, E) \to \prod_{v\in M_K} H^1(G_{K_v}, E)
as following.
$Ш(E/K) \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \ker \left\{H^1(G_K, E) \to \bigoplus_{v\in S} H^1(G_{K_v}, E) \right\}$ where $S$ is an appropriate finite set which is determined by $E/K$.
To establish this definition, the above proposition must hold; however, choosing such a finite set $S$ does not seem trivial for me as mentioned above.