Suppose we have an $N$ by $M$ table. Suppose that $x=(a,b)$ and $y=(c,d)$ are two locations in the table, specified by their row and column indexes. We say that (x,y) is horizontally adjacent if $c=a$ and $d=b+1$ and vertically adjacent if $c=a+1$ and $d=b$. Note that order matters; for instance, if $(x,y)$ is horizontally adjacent, then $(y,x)$ cannot be horizontally adjacent.
Suppose we permute the $N \times M$ cells of the table by some permutation $\pi\in S_{N\times M}$. If there exists $(x,y)$ such that both $(x,y)$ and $(\pi(x), \pi(y))$ are horizontally adjacent, we say that $\pi$ is a horizontally adjacent permutation; similarly for vertically adjacent permutations. If $\pi$ is neither horizontally adjacent nor vertically adjacent, we say that it is a non-adjacent permutation.
Let $f(N,M)$ be the probability that a permutation chosen uniformly at random from $S_{N \times M}$ is non-adjacent. Can we estimate $f(N,M)$ as $N,M$ grow, or at least provide some non-trivial bounds?
For what it's worth, it's straightforward to produce a Monte Carlo estimate of $f(N,N)$; the credulous might believe that the following graph is converging to $e^{-2}$.
Judging by the comments, my problem statement seems to be a little confusing for readers. Although my own reason for asking this question has to do with designing a statistical test, perhaps I can motivate it as a little game, which might clarify my intention.
We're going to play a jigsaw-puzzle-like game. First, we take an image and divide it into $N \times M$ tiles:
Next, we permute these tiles, being careful not to rotate or flip them:
Despite our scrambling, several of the pieces remain adjacent to each other:
This isn't as much fun to solve, since those pieces are already solved. The probability $f(N,M)$ above is the probability that the puzzle is fun, i.e., has no adjacent pieces.