I'm trying to learn about Gysin maps on Hodge cohomology, as defined in the Stacks project (https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/0G8A). Namely, if $X \to S$ is a morphism of schemes and $Z \to X$ is a closed immersion of finite presentation whose conormal sheaf is locally free of rank $c$ satisfying additional regularity properties (e.g. locally being cut out by a Koszul regular sequence), then we get maps $$ \gamma^{p, q}: H^q(Z, \Omega^p_{Z/S}) \to H^{q + c}(X, \Omega^{p+c}_{X/S})$$ which are useful in defining cycle classes in Hodge cohomology.
The definition of $\gamma^{p,q}$ given in the link above is somewhat opaque to me; is there a more "down-to-earth" way to understand the construction of the maps $\gamma^{p, q}$ (perhaps with simplifying assumptions on $Z$ and $X$)?
Are there computable explicit examples of the $\gamma^{p,q}$ that help illustrate what is really going on here?