Let $C_0\subseteq C$ and $D_0\subseteq D$ be reflective subcategories with reflection functors $r_A$ and $r_B$. For any functor $F:C\to D$, we may consider the natural transformation $r_BF\eta_A:r_BF\to r_BFr_A$.
Is there a name for those functors $F$ for which this natural transformation is an isomorphism?
If $F$ has a right adjoint $F^\ast$, then it is equivalent to ask that $F^\ast(D_0)\subseteq C_0$. This implies that the adjunction $(F,F^\ast)$ descends to an adjunction of functors between $C_0$ and $D_0$.
For example, sheaves inside presheaves $\mathrm{Shv}(X)\subseteq\mathrm P(X)$ is a reflective subcategory. If $f:X\to Y$ is a map of topological spaces, then we have an adjoint pair $(f^\ast,f_\ast)$ of pullback and pushforward functors on presheaf categories $f_\ast:\mathrm{P}(X)\to\mathrm P(Y):f^\ast$. The right adjoint pushforward $f_\ast$ preserves sheaves, so the left adjoint $f^\ast$ satisfies the condition above, namely that pulling back and sheafifying sends sheafifications to isomorphisms. This is how one proves that the adjunction $(f^\ast,f_\ast)$ descends to sheaf categories.