Usually in the moduli space of semistable sheaves, two semistable sheaves correspond to one point if and only if they are S-equvialent, i.e. the graded objects associated to their Jordan-Holder filtration are isomorphic.
I am now interested in distinguishing S-equivalent but non-isomorphic semistable sheaves. The first question is
Are there any researches on this moduli problem?
My first idea is that, we can try the classification of non-split (length 2) Jordan-Holder filtrations, which is a subclass of semistable but not polystable sheaves. The associated graded would be a point in the product of two moduli spaces of stable sheaves.
More concretely, if $0=E_{\leq0}\subsetneq E_{\leq1}\subsetneq E_{\leq 2}=E$ is a Jordan-Holder filtration of length 2. Then $(E_1,E_2)$ is a point in $M_1^s\times M_2^s$, where $E_i:=E_{\leq i}/E_{\leq i-1}$ and $M_i^s$ is the moduli space of stable sheaves. If $M^{JH}_{l=2}$ exists as the moduli space of length 2 non-splitting JH filtrations, then there is a morphism $$M^{JH}_{l=2}\to M_1^s\times M_2^s. $$ The fibre of this morphism at $(E_1,E_2)$ should be $\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{Ext}^1(E_2,E_1))$. Then the second question is
In what sense can we glue $\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{Ext}^1(E_2,E_1))$ over $M_1^s\times M_2^s$ or over some (locally closed) subscheme?