is there a class of optimization problems for whose solution no efficent algorithm is known, but for which the claimed optimality of a solution can efficiently be verified?
- There is the publication Optimality conditions and complete description of polytopes in combinatorial optimization with optimality criteria for combinatorial optimization problems; the question would be if any of those criteria allow for an efficient evaluation.
-The requested clarification of the is simple: if e.g. the underlying toplogical graph contains multiple *yes" instances, the question is as to whether it can efficiently be decided whether a specific such instance also is the one with optimal sum of edge weights. - Ground states of 3D spin glasses are apparently a combinatorial optimization problem for which the optimal value can be calculated without actually determining the solution, so it can efficiently be checked whether a "yes" instance of the underlying decision problem also has optimal edge weight sum. cf Checking for optimal solutions in some NP-complete problems
- I just found the publicationVerifying Integer Programming Results in which certificates for optimal integer solutions of linear programs are discussed.