Let $T_n$ be the set of all labelled trees with $n$ vertices. For any $T \in T_n$ let $D(T)$ be the 'doubled tree', where each edge of $T$ is replaced by one directed edge in each direction. $D(T)$ is now an Eulerian directed graph with $2(n-1)$ edges and by the B.E.S.T theorem it has $\prod\limits_{i=1}^n (\deg_{D(T)}(v_i)-1)!$ many Euler circuits.
Let $A_n \subset T_n$ be the set of all labelled trees with $n$ vertices, with the property that vertices $v_1$ and $v_2$ have a distance of $2$, i.e. there is no connection between $v_1$ and $v_2$, but there is a $t \in \{3,...,n\}$ such that there are edges $(v_1,v_t)$ and $(v_2,v_t)$.
Question: Is there a simpler formula for the expression $$ \sum\limits_{T \in A_n} \prod\limits_{i=1}^n (\deg_{D(T)}(v_i)-1)! \ , $$ which counts the number of Euler circuits through trees from $A_n$.
If the distance is prescribed as $1$ instead of $2$, then by using the fact that there are ${n-2 \choose d_1-1,...,d_{n}-1}$ many $T \in T_n$ with $d_i = \deg_{T}(v_i) = \deg_{D(T)}(v_i)$ the formula is found to be $2 \frac{(2n-3)!}{n!}$.
Another way of formulating the question would be: For given $d_1,...,d_{n} \in \{1,...,n-1\}^n$ with $d_1+...+d_n = 2n-2$, how many of the ${n-2 \choose d_1-1,...,d_{n}-1}$ many $T \in T_n$ with $d_i = \deg_{T}(v_i) = \deg_{D(T)}(v_i)$ satisfy the condition that $v_1$ and $v_2$ have distance two?
Any help is much apprechiated.