I intend to give some glimpses, like this one.
Let us consider the minimization problem
$$g({\bf a})=\min_{\textbf{x}\in A}{g(\textbf{x})}$$ to some continuously differentiable function $\textbf{g}:A\to \mathbb{R}$, where $A$ is an open set of $\mathbb{R}^m$ containing $\textbf{a}$. Now, if you have some differentiable curve $\textbf{u}:(a,b)\to A$, you can apply the chain rule to obtain
$$\frac{d\, g({\bf u}(t))}{dt}= \left\langle {\bf u}'(t), \nabla g({\bf u}(t))\right\rangle,$$ in which $\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle$ denotes the inner product.
A natural choice to ${\bf u}(t)$ is given by the
the initial value problem (IVP) $$\left\{\begin{array}{rl}{\bf u}'(t)&=&-\alpha \nabla g({\bf u}(t))\\ {\bf u}(0)&=&{\bf u}_0\end{array}\right.,$$to some $\alpha>0$.
If you use Euler method to solve this IVP numerically, you find the gradient descent method. This method, with step size $h_j$, takes the form
$${\bf u}_{j+1}=\phi({\bf u}_j),$$ to
$$\phi({\bf u})={\bf u}-h_j\alpha\nabla g({\bf u}),$$ as a fixed point iteration to solve $$\nabla g({\bf u})={\bf 0},\qquad \phi({\bf a})={\bf a}.$$ It converges when $$\|\phi'({\bf a})\|=\|I-h_j\alpha Hg({\bf a})|=\max_{1\leq i\leq m}|1-h_j\alpha s_i|<1,$$ if you have a good choice to ${\bf u}_0$. Here $s_i$ is a singular value of the hessian matrix $H g({\bf a})$.
It holds the inequality
$$\frac{d\, g({\bf u}(t))}{dt}= -\alpha\|\nabla g({\bf u}(t))\|^2\leq 0,$$ and $g({\bf u}(t))$ is nonincreasing.
Note that, if you choose the curve ${\bf u}(t)$ given by the IVP $$\left\{\begin{array}{rl}{\bf u}'(t)&=&-\beta(t) \nabla g({\bf u}(t))\\ {\bf u}(0)&=&{\bf u}_0\end{array}\right.,$$ to some $\beta(t)>0$ (in a way that the ${\bf u}(t)$ exists). You still has the inequality
$$\frac{d\, g({\bf u}(t))}{dt}= -\beta(t)\|\nabla g({\bf u}(t))\|^2\leq 0,$$ and $g({\bf u}(t))$ is nonincreasing.
I am trying to find some results using this last IVP on SearchOnMath, and I found one in the direction you want. Please see comments around equations (3.10) and (3.11) in this arxiv file. It follows that, if you let $s=\rho(t)$, with $\rho(0)=0$ and $\rho'(t)=\beta(t)$, then $$\left\{\begin{array}{rlrr}{\bf u}'(s)&=&\displaystyle\frac{d\,{\bf u}}{dt}\frac{dt}{ds}&=&- \nabla g({\bf u}(s))\\ {\bf u}(0)&=&{\bf u}_0\end{array}\right..$$