Let $X=\mathrm{Spec}(A)$ be the spectrum of a henselian local ring and denote $\mathbb{Z}_l(1)$ the $l$-adic Tate twist on $X$, where $l$ is prime to the residual characteristic (let's say I work on the proétale site and define $\mathbb{Z}_l(1):=R\lim \mu_{l^n}$, if that makes sense ?). Denote also $i:x\to X$ the closed point of $X$. How do I go about determining $i^\ast \mathbb{Z}_l(1)$ ?
More generally, I would appreciate some references or explanations on how $\mathbb{Z}_l(1)$ on a scheme $X$ behaves under $f^\ast$ for a morphism $f:Y\to X$ (exluding the case where $f$ is étale; in that case $f^\ast \mathbb{Z}_l(1)=\mathbb{Z}_l(1)$).