$\DeclareMathOperator\Sym{Sym}\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}$Let us consider a $n$-dimensional complex vector space $V$ and denote by $G(k,n)$ the Grassmannian of $k$-planes in $V$. We use the convention that the universal exact sequence on $G(k,n)$ is given by $$ 0 \to S \to V \otimes \mathcal O \to Q \to 0, $$ with $S,Q$ of rank $k$ and $n-k$ respectively. I want to study the (possible) extensions of the following short exact sequence on $G(k,n)$: $$\tag{$\star$} 0 \to Q^\vee \otimes S^\vee \to N \to \Sym^2S^\vee \to 0. $$ More precisely, I'm asking if $N$ has to be $(Q \otimes S)^\vee \oplus \Sym^2 S^\vee$.
In order to attack the problem, I try to compute $$ \Ext^1(\Sym^2 S^\vee,Q^\vee \otimes S^\vee)=H^1(G(k,n),Q^\vee \otimes S^\vee \otimes \Sym^2 S), $$ but now I don't have idea on how to compute such a cohomology piece. Any idea on how to go on?
Edit 1: I also know that $N$ fits in another short exact sequence of vector bundles on $G(k,n)$: $$\tag{$\star\star$} 0 \to N \to S^\vee \otimes (V^\vee \otimes \mathcal O) \to {\bigwedge}^2 S^\vee \to 0 $$ that is $N=\ker \phi$ where $\phi: S^\vee \otimes (V^\vee \otimes \mathcal O) \to {\bigwedge}^2 S^\vee$.