What is an example of an action of a linearly reductive group variety acting on an affine variety with the property that there exists a closed orbit that is not separable?
To be more precisely, let's work over a fixed algebraically closed field $k$. Suppose that we are given an affine variety $X$ and a group variety $G$ acting on $X$. Given a closed point $x \in X$, we define the orbit $\operatorname{O}(x)$ to be the image of the map $G \to X$ given by $g \mapsto g x$ . We say that the orbit is separable if the natural map $$ G \to \operatorname{O}(x) $$ given by $g \mapsto gx$ is separable.
This question is only interesting in characteristic $p>0$. In this case, the condition that $G$ is linearly reductive is very strong: it implies $G$ is the product of a multiplicative torus and a finite group of order prime-to-$p$.